How To Become A Lifeguard For The State Of California

About the Lifeguard in the State of California:

California State Lifeguard Agency is one of the world's largest and most comprehensive lifesaving agencies. The California State Lifeguard Agency training program also produces the best-educated lifeguards in the world.

California Lifeguards are run by the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Because the duration of the California Department of Parks and Recreation is so huge, the California State Lifeguard Agency is divided into districts operating under the supervision of the California Department of Parks and Recreation. More than a dozen districts make up this life-saving organization; The most prominent districts include the Los Angeles District, the Coastal District, the Santa Cruz District, the San Diego District, and the Orange Coast District.

In addition, many districts consist of smaller sub-sections called sectors. For example, the Orange Coast District consists of the South Sector, North Sector, and Crystal Cove Sector.
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To be eligible for employment you must have:

Possession of a valid driving license in California with a good driving license at the time of the agreement

Physical and mental strength

Providing for work on weekends and public holidays.

Visual and auditory sharpness is needed to detect and save a victim with water problems

To qualify:

1.) You must pass a COMPETITION swim test at a specified location, consisting of the following: Swimming in open water of 1,000 meters. Time limit of 20 minutes.
A continuous race of 200 meters, 400 meters of swimming, 200 meters of running. Time limit of 10 minutes.

* Note: You must try the place where you want to work. For example, if you want to work in the northern sector of Orange County, take a test at Huntington Beach.

2.) Qualification assessment interview.

After the physical tests, each district/sector will conduct interviews for potential lifesaving candidates. Those who are competitive in the physical tests and interviews will be offered the opportunity to participate in lifesaving training.

3.) Successful completion of lifeguard training.

This lifeguard training consists of an 8-day / 80+ exercise program that will test your physical and mental limitations.
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The California State Park's life-saving training program will instruct Lifeguard classes candidates on:

• Advanced first aid, CPR, AED
• Life-saving techniques in open water
• Aquatic search and rescue methods.

After completing the lifeguard training you will be a certified lifeguard from the state of California. Newly trained lifeguards will return to their respective district/sector to begin their specific Field Training Program and start working as the California State Lifeguard.

4.) Successful implementation of the Field Training Program.

Each district/sector has a specific training program after the completion of the California State Lifeguard Training program. Because each beach is different, this field training program serves to educate and train more lifeguards for the specific aspects of their respective districts/sectors. It is during this field training program that you use the skills learned in lifeguard training and apply them in your district/sector.


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