The chiropractic solution for neck pain

Neck pain is one of the most common complaints that encourage patients to seek chiropractic care. And for good reason, doctors in chiropractic, such as Dr. Edelson, experts in the elimination of spinal cord problems associated with neck pain.

If you suffer from neck pain, you know how to disable this mode. By interfering with work, exercise and family activities, neck pain produces more than just physical pain, but you do not need to rely on painkillers with potentially dangerous side effects to soothe neck pain. Read on to learn how chiropractic care can end your pain forever, naturally.

Curious worries
Dr. Edelson finds that patients with neck pain (cervix) often suffer from straightening or reversing the natural curve of the neck. When viewed from the side, cervical spine should form an arc that is more convex in the middle of the neck. However, many people, especially those working on desktops or computers, have cervical spines that advance (military neck), or even form inverted curves.

Studies show that a stretched or inverted curve weakens the deep muscles of the neck as these muscles are forced to hold the spine in an anatomically inadequate posture (Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 1998; 44: 210). And weakened muscles increase the risk of injury and pain. In addition, a defective cervix interrupts biomechanics in the neck (the way joints, muscles and bones move together). Changing spinal biomechanics is associated with an increased likelihood of osteoarthritis, another painful disease.

Are the settings the answer to neck pain?
How Does Chiropractic Care Relieve Neck Pain? Dr. Edelson corrects spinal areas where movement is limited, or bones (vertebrae) are uneven. Not surprisingly, these dysfunctional segments, called vertebral subluxations, are often detected in the rumors of patients with rectified or inverted cervical curves. Dr. Edelson corrects vertebral subluxations with gentle maneuvers called chiropractic adjustments. Research shows that these specialized maneuvers restore the movement and alignment of the spine while avoiding spinal cord disorders, including neck pain.

One study included 119 patients with neck or back pain. Standard measurement tools were used to assess individuals for pain and disability. Patients underwent chiropractic care, including receiving chiropractic adjustments. People visited their Chiropractor Los Angeles on average 12 times over a period of 4 weeks. The results revealed on average a 54% decrease in pain and a 49% decrease in disability among people with neck pain. "Patients who attended a private chiropractic clinic to treat mechanical neck pain or lumbar discomfort had statistically significant reductions in their pain-related disability after treatment," the study authors concluded. "These results indicate that chiropractic manipulation [adjustment] is beneficial in treating mechanical neck pain and LBP.

Beyond the pain
The chiropractic approach to terminating neck pain is revolutionary because it seeks to correct the underlying cause of the disorder rather than masking the symptoms with medication. Therefore, chiropractic can be more effective than analgesics for the prevention of prolonged neck pain.

A scientific study compared chiropractic adjustments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil, Motrin and Orudis. The report concluded that "The best evidence suggests that cervical manipulation [chiropractic adjustment] for neck pain is much safer than the use of NSAIDs, as a factor several hundred times.


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