Why do you need a good Gi Karate and the importance of taking care of it?

Karate is a martial art that requires self-discipline and pride, so the uniform that a person wears can say a lot about his attitude towards the arts. So how does a person keep his giving in optimal condition?

Gi is an expensive uniform and should be stored in a light white color and free from wrinkles or marks. Since most uniforms are made of cotton, they fall quite easily. This is usually due to the sweat absorbed by cotton during exercise. In addition, the uniforms become heavier during use due to perspiration, and sometimes tears and tears may develop along the seams.

The most effective way to ensure that the goo lasts as long as possible is to wash it as soon as it is used. This prevents sweat from being embedded in cotton. Tokaido gi should only be washed with other white objects as this minimizes discoloration of the material. A powerful detergent is needed when washing, as sweat can stain quite easily, especially in the armpit and in English areas.

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When the wash cycle is over, the yeast should be dried on the washing line or, if it rains, inside a clothesline in front of a radiator, but not directly on the radiator. This is because the dryer or direct heat from a radiator can cause the material to shrink and lose its shape. When gi is completely dry and this must be achieved as soon as possible, it must be folded.

If it is dried as quickly as possible, there should not be many wrinkles in gy, which is good as ironing should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. This is because iron heat can damage the material if applied too often.

Folding gi is important to prevent wrinkles and this process is relatively simple. The jacket can be folded like any other shirt, folded one side, followed by the other side and then the sleeves. The pants should be folded by placing the legs together and folding them in thirds to form a small chunk, about one third the length of the pants.

Of course, the belt should not be washed with gi unless it is a white belt. Ideally, the belt should be washed by hand and allowed to dry on the washing line. The belt can be straightened and tied around the pants during the folding process.

An important point to remember when taking care of gi is not to use bleach, as even if this makes the material look white, the properties of the bleach will really damage the material and the gi will not last as long as it should.
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The quality of the tape determines how long it will last. The best type of belt to buy is a double-woven band, as this can withstand more rigor when it comes to washing, folding and binding. The uniform has the best chance of lasting for a reasonable period of time if these steps are followed and if any seams become loose or frayed, this should be addressed as soon as possible.

The most common areas for freezing in gy are the groin area of ​​the pants and underneath the jackets. This is due to the movements that occur during karate art. The seam of the material is usually white, and as such, only white cotton should be used to repair damaged seams. The quality of the seam depends on the quality of the clothes as a whole, and the general rule is that the more expensive the clothing, the better the quality.

When choosing which clothes to buy, it is important to recognize that there are several different gi qualities available. If a person is just starting out, an average price garment should suffice as the competitor’s acumen must be established before spending large amounts of money on garments as they can be very expensive.


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