The narrative style of mobile learning can be an effective learning

With the increasing popularity of mobile phones in our daily lives, it has also become an important platform for training and learning. Storytelling can be a powerful learning intervention, both in classrooms and in businesses. It has a lasting impact and increases the retention of information through stories.

There is scientific support that storytelling actually alters the chemistry of the brain and, if done effectively, can lead to strengthened relationships and acts of kindness. Can this powerful form of teaching and learning be used to deliver mobile learning? To explore more possibilities, we must first consider that stories can be told in many different ways, not just in the traditional text-based narrative. Different forms of storytelling can be adopted and mixed to create an appropriate combination, depending on the student's preferences and learning goals.

For students who prefer visual learning, graphic novels or graphics-based stories can be created to ensure that the textual content is smaller but that the essence of the story is not lost. To keep things light and casual, you can create a cartoon that touches on serious issues on a clearer line. You can also represent maps, graphs or statistics to create stories. Music and audiovisual can also be merged to create stories for students who prefer not to read. Instead of following a route closely, the developer may choose a combination of one or more to maximize impact.

To create stories for the mobile platform, rather than a traditional approach, it is better to use more suitable routes to the platform. Mobile devices have smaller screens compared to laptops or desktops. Therefore, a text-based approach may not be powerful enough. Instead, a graphic or audiovisual approach would be more suitable for them-learning platform:

The stories can be part of games based on mobile devices that present a search for students to follow, depending on a set of missions.
Stories can be shared in the form of case studies with highlighted numbers and results for maximum impact.
Video-based stories can also be very powerful for involving infant adoption mobile al. The audio track can also be run along these videos to allow you to listen when the student no longer wants to watch the screen.
Blogs can also include stories and hands-on experiences that will interest students of all kinds. The ability to 'subscribe' to the blog may be available, ensuring that students receive immediate information as soon as new content is uploaded to the blog.
Video blogs can also be based on stories and accessed from the mobile platform. Like text blogs, students can also subscribe to them and receive emails or text messages on their portable devices as soon as new videos appear. This ensures that students are subtly pushed to learn from time to time until they are genuinely interested in learning videos and eager to watch them.


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